Frequently Asked Questions about YouTube to MP3

This page is designed to help you solve your problems as quickly as possible. Here we have collected the most common questions and solutions to the most common problems. However, the number one solution is to simply download and install the latest version.

If it doesn't help you to resolve your problem feel free to contact us


  1. YouTube returned: Sign in to confirm you're not a bot. This helps protect our community
  2. Sign in to confirm you age.
  3. Can't login to YouTube: This browser or app is probably not safe. Please use another browser.
  4. This video may be inappropriate for some users
  5. Can't download YouTube videos, 404 error
  6. No suitable streams found during parsing [0 / 0 / 0]
  7. I am going to upgrade my Mac to a new Mac with an M1 processor, will the app work there?
  8. How to turn on iTunes import?
  9. SyntaxError: JSON.parse: Parse error
  10. I'm constantly getting Reference error: Wm is not defined
  11. "Failed to query info. Check connection and try again." error
  12. Program loads heavily computer. It keeps on 100% usage.
  13. UNPLAYABLE: This video is unavailable
  14. Is it possible to backup the download history and file list?
  15. Failed to get information (690)
  16. 429: Error transferring
  17. SoundCloud downloading error
  18. YouTube server replied: Invalid parameters
  19. Where can I download the previous/old version?
  20. I'm constantly getting SSL handshake failed message
  21. no access to iTunes: error message when Add to iTunes option is enabled
  22. "No such file or directory" error
  23. "No file or directory" error
  24. "Protocol "" is unknown" error
  25. Error: all streams protected in this video
  26. Error: Read-only file system
  27. How to locate my downloaded files?
  28. "Error: Forbidden" when trying to download playlist.
  29. Incorrect url: error when pasting link
  30. Source: Stream connection: Connection closed
  31. It says X amount of mb skipped. Why?
  32. Stream connection: Unknown error


  • Sign in to confirm your not a bot

    To get rid of this message go to Prefrences -> Authrozation -> YouTube and authorize.

  • Sign in to confirm your age.

    Some YouTube videos have age restrictions and can only be accessed by adult users. Most of the time we avoid this, but sometimes YouTube updates something in the backend and it stops working. The easiest workaround is to authorize in Preferences -> Authrozaition.

  • This browser or app may not be secure

    Try launching the app while holding down the Shift key, and in the Recovery dialog box that appears, select Clear YouTube cookies.

  • This video may be inappropriate / age-restricted videos

    We avoided YouTube age verification for most videos in the latest version, but some videos still require to sign-in. You can authorize in the app Preferences -> Authorization

  • 404: error transferring

    YouTube removed the alternate method of getting track information, so please update to the version, you can download a build for your operating system on this page

  • Can't download YouTube videos, get No suitable streams found error

    Please update to version, you can download a build for your operating system on that page

  • Will it work on Apple M1 processor?

    Yes, it will. We haven't created a native application yet, but it will work using Rosetta 2, you can read more on Apple website.

  • How to turn on iTunes import?

    Open Preferences, it's located under the small gear icon at the bottom left corner of application window. Next open the Audio output tab and choose desired iTunes options.

  • SyntaxError: JSON.parse: Parse error [parseVideoPageData:xxxx]

    Please update to version, you can download a build for your operating system on that page

  • Reference error: Wm is not defined

    This bug has been fixed in the version, please consider updating.

  • "Failed to query info. Check connection and try again." error

    Check connection to in the application Preferences. Open Preferences and switch to the Network tab. There is a small indicator which displays connection status to YouTube server. It is located at the bottom left corner. If it's red then something is blocking an internet coonection. Check your firewall and antivirus or specify correct proxy settings.

  • 100% usage

    First of all, check your "Preferences". Switch to the "Download" tab and check for "Simultaneous downloads" option. Default value is 5, but you can decrease it to minimize CPU usage.

    Also, we recommend you to regularly clear the list of completed downloads. Huge list could cause this problem sometimes. To clear the list click on the Broom icon at the bottom left corner of the application window and select Remove completed.

  • Can't download YouTube videos, get UNPLAYABLE error

    If you get this error on almost all YouTube videos, please, update to version, you can download a build for your operating system on that page

  • Download history and file list backup

    Yes, you can backup the following folders AppData\Local\MediaHuman\YouTube to MP3\ on Windows and ~/Library/Application Support/MediaHuman/YouTube to MP3/ on Mac

  • SoundCloud downloading error Failed to get information (690)

    This issue has been fixed in the version or higher, please install the latest version. If it's already installed, try redownloading & reinstalling from scratch.

  • Can't download YouTube videos, get Failed to query info Error 429

    YouTube has started blocking user's IP for heavy downloads. As a workaround, try entering your credentials in Preferences -> Authorization

  • SoundCloud downloading error [401] {299} or similar

    This issue has been fixed in the version or higher, please install the latest version.

  • YouTube server replied: Invalid parameters

    This issue has been fixed in the version or higher, please consider updating.

  • The previous/old versions

    We don't recommend using the previous/old versions, however you can get them on that page

  • Stream connection: ssl handshake failed mediahuman

    All versions prior to 3.9.1 are affected by the recent YouTube update, please download the latest version for your operating system here

  • no access to iTunes:

    This is one of those hard to reproduce bugs, but the majority of our users who were affected by this issue have reported that reinstalling iTunes fixes this bug.

  • "No such file or directory" error

    Check the Output folder specified in the Preferences. To do it open up the Preferences and switch to the Audio output tab. Next, specify a different output folder with a write access.

  • "No file or directory" error

    If you are using Ubuntu we recommend you to type the following command in Terminal:

    sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libmp3lame0 libavcodec-extra-53

    If you are using Windows or Mac OS then uninstall the current version, download the latest version from our site and install it.

  • "Protocol "" is unknown" error

    The content in the clipboard you are trying to paste is incorrect. Maybe you've copied some extra characters and the video link became broken. Try to drag'n'drop the link on the app window instead.

  • Error: all streams protected in this video

    This means that all streams in that video are DRM-protected and unable to be downloaded. You can read more about RTMP protocol and protected streams at Wikipedia.

  • Error: Read-only file system

    Probably you have set your output folder to the folder located on external drive/usb stick with NTFS file system. Mac OS X includes only read-only support for NTFS-formatted partitions. You can read more about NTFS at Wikipedia

  • How to locate my downloaded files?

    By default all files are saved to Downloaded by MediaHuman subfolder of your Music folder. To quickly open the contained folder of the downloaded file, right-click on it and select Locate saved file

  • Error: Forbidden

    Your playlist is private, so make it public before downloading or setup YouTube Authorization in the application Preferences

  • Incorrect URL:

    If you are using security software from Webroot, when you need to allow our app to access clipboard. To do so open SecureAnywhere -> Identity Protection -> Application protection and click on Allow near youtubetomp3.exe. You can read more in their FAQ.

  • Error: Connection closed

    Try to enable safe download mode option in the Preferences->Network. It will reduce amount of connections to YouTube and prevent its ban.

  • It says X amount of mb skipped. Why?

    This is a normal situation when Boost mode is enabled. It means that the app downloads only audio track skipping the video part. Output audio quality is the same but is saves a lot of traffic and time.

  • Stream connection: Unknown error

    You can disable multiple connections. To do it open program's preferences. Then switch to "Network" tab. And set "Maximum connections per video" to 1.

Download YouTubeToMP3.dmg
size: 115.12 Mb
Download YouTubeToMP3-arm.dmg
size: 189.02 Mb
Download YouTubeToMP3-1012.dmg
size: 95.67 Mb
Download YouTubeToMP3.exe
size: 66.42 Mb
Install from
MediaHuman repository

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